
Trying to participate in "Go Green Programs"

Inspired by some go green program, few months ago I wanted to make something useful from used materials, and the easiest material to use is waste paper...I've tried using old newspapers for making vases, etc ... but I could not succeed..I found it hard to make.  Then, I decided to make something using quilling techniques, but I found it was difficult too...I wasn't satisfied with the color (I think the color didn't have enough contrast)...so, I finally use those quillings to decorate a pen holder that made from old milk box and used ice cream sticks...and I still didn't satisfied with the result.    
woven paper basket
The next experiment was woven paper technique.  I made a little basket with old magazine papers..and it turned out that the basket was good enough..for me :D  and now, I use that basket to put coins. 

Next, inspired by the work of a quiller I saw on the Going Green Crafters & Artists blog, I finally tried to make one work that using unused paper brochures .. and eventually, I did it!!! I mad a basket of flowers, still far from perfect it is (I guess I have no skill in flowers arranging :D), especially the color settings ... so it looks less contrast between one flower to another ... but that's okay, at least I feel satisfied with what I've made today. Hopefully someday I can make better projects with this raw material. 

a basket of flowers
Terinspirasi dari go green yang lagi jadi trend...beberapa waktu yang lalu saya jadi pengen buat sesuatu dari barang-barang bekas..yang kepikiran ya dari kertas bekas...udah sempet coba pake koran bekas buat bikin vas, dll...tapi ga berhasil..ternyata susah.  alhasil coba bikin pake teknik paper quilling, tapi susah juga, karna warnanya kurang bagus..coba buat tempat pen...sama ditambahin stik bekas es krim....tapi jadinya kurang memuaskan.  percobaan berikutnya bikin anyaman, jadi box/keranjang serba guna gitu...jadinya lumayan, tapi berhubung kertasnya pendek dan  ga disambung-sambung, jadinya kecil deh box nya..tapi lumayan, bisa buat taruh koin hehhehee....

nah, berikutnya, terinspirasi dari karya seorang quiller yang sempat saya lihat di blog Going Green Crafters & Artist, akhirnya saya mencoba membuat satu karya yang manfaatkan kertas brosur yang tidak terpakai..akhirnya jadi sebuah keranjang bunga, masih jauh dari sempurna memang (rasanya saya memang tidak berbakat merangkai bunga :D ), terutama pengaturan warnanya...sehingga terlihat kurang kontras antara satu bunga dengan yang lain...tapi tidak apa-apa, paling tidak saya merasa puas dengan apa yang sudah saya buat hari ini.  mudah-mudahan nanti saya bisa menghasilkan karya lain yang lebih baik lagi dengan bahan baku ini.


Another pictures of my quilling projects

Birthday 1
an eid's gift
a wedding gift 1

little family 2
little family 1
I love U
a wedding gift 2

Birthday 2

Pray for Indonesia

Mt. Merapi's eruption
Pray for Indonesia...new slogans which become trend ..... there are calamities and natural disasters everywhere in my country, Indonesia... from Sabang to Merauke; flash floods in Wasior (Papua), earthquake and tsunami in Mentawai (West Sumatra) , the eruption of Mount Merapi (Central Java), which had happened since almost 3 weeks ago and still erupting, not to mention the forest fires, train accidents, plane accidents, fire everywhere .... it seems there are a lot of temptation for Indonesian... hopefully all that had happened here bring Indonesian to repentance and I do hope these calamities and natural disasters will end soon.  

a house covered by volcano ash                          

Pray for Indonesia.....slogan yang lagi kenceng-kencengnya nih....musibah dan bencana alam di mana-mana...dari Sabang sampai Merauke deh kalo kata Indomie :D banjir bandang di Wasior, gempa n tsunami di Mentawai, sampai meletusnya gunung Merapi yang udah 2 minggu ga kelar-kelar....belum lagi kebakaran hutan, kecelakaan kereta, pesawat, kebakaran dimana-mana....serasa ga ada abisnya cobaan buat bangsa Indonesia ini... semoga dengan adanya cobaan ini manusia Indonesia menjadi sadar dan bertobat :) dan semoga semua cobaan ini cepet selesai.
Mentawai after earthquake& tsunami
Flash floods in Wasior, Papua


pictures were taken from www.detik.com, http://i.telegraph.co.uk, http://kanvasmaya.wordpress.com


Some pictures of my paper quilling projects

A box made from used box.

My first Christmas miniature

black & white pendant

A Christmas earrings

My first quilled egg


Fall in love with Paper Quilling

first quilled valentine's gift (2008)

It's weird.. i don't like craft or art during my school time, felt so sad whenever i got assignment related to  those two things, but everything change since I joined in the Parahyangan Catholic University, I like to cut n gluing things (scrapbook-ing).  In the early 2008, i bought a book about 3D quilling (Making 3D fairy doll with paper quilling by Indira)...then I started to googling about it, joined in a group that thought me a lot about quilling, (http://www.quillers@yahoogroups.com); then I try to make some project refer to that sources...and now, I'm crazy about it.. ...  
I already tried to make many quilled things...such as cards, boxes, cross, eggs and framed flowers.  To enrich my knowledge and inspirations, I bought a book, 'The Art of Paper Quilling', which is written by Claire Sun-Ok Choi, and also I took a class about paper quilling at craftmania (2 meetings class).

Aneh ya..waktu sekolah dulu, paling sebel sama yang namanya mata pelajaran prakarya...bisa nangis bombay kalo udah kebagian tugas, tapi sejak kuliah jadi tergila-gila sama pekerjaan tangan...gunting menggunting, tempel menempel...seru aja rasanya.  sampe di awal 2008 kemarin kenalan sama yang namanya paper quilling dari 1 buku berjudul 'Membuat boneka peri 3D dengan paper quilling' (by Indira)...terus jadi penasaran browsing di inet...dan akhirnya bergabung di milis ttg quilling (http://www.quillers@yahoogroups.com)...dan sekarang jadi tergila-gila deh...nyoba bikin segala macem, kartu, box lengkap dengan hiasannya, sampe ke salib, telur dan rangkaian bunga (framed).  Saking penasarannya, berlanjut deh cari-cari idenya...sampe bela-belain beli buku import di Kinokuniya (The Art of Paper Quilling by Claire Sun-Ok Choi) dan ikutan kursus (2x pertemuan) ttg paper quilling di Craftmania

My First Post

finally...i start blogging...i started to create a blog one year ago...but i never post anything :D and start from now on...I'd like to share my journey of life in this blog to you all...a lot of stories to share...hopefully my stories will become inspirations to all whom read it...(I'll try to write in 2 languages, first is in English and then in my own mother language, bahasa Indonesia)

PS : Thanks to Karon from creativequilling who motivated me to start writing :) 

akhirnyaaaa....setelah satu tahun lebih bikin blog, baru sekarang mulai bener2 nulis...selama ini belum punya cukup keberanian buat nulis :D setelah dipikir2, apa salahnya iseng2 nulis di blog...ttg perjalanan hidupku...ada begitu banyak cerita untuk dibagikan...yang siapa tau bisa menjadi inspirasi untuk yang membacanya...(sekalian latihan nulis dalam bahasa inggris :P)